Hello to all,
I have been looking forward to show you this bookmark since I made it and now I am a bit late on my challenge post. I thought for sure I had wrote it up, but nope, It seems I had not. So today I am very happy to show it off and inviting you all to play A CREATIVE NEED CHALLENGE this month as it is that we make a project that reminds us of something we enjoy doing with our mothers.
For mom and I it's been reading. She never read a bedtime story to me, Too busy working all day and then coming home and working some more. But I did get to see her read at times. I noticed she was relaxed then and thought she deserved a break from all six of us and my dad too at times. Now, I do some reading to her now as some of you might know she has alzheimers and can't read and our conversations are limited. So reading to her is relaxing to me and to her, I hope dearly. It helps me spend more time with her in the nursing home.
Hope you all get to have a relaxing time on mothers day. Take a break from working and responsibilities, just for that day and do whatever it is you enjoy.
Thank you for stopping by, Peggyxo